What is Alt-Tech Anyway? Over the past few years, Big Tech has become increasingly politicized, as evidenced by their denying access to their services… Read more "What is Alt-Tech Anyway?"
How does the Brave ad serving work? Most Brave aficionados will have read about the fundamentals of the BAT ecosystem, but what exactly does the full ad… Read more "How does the Brave ad serving work?"
How is the BAT ad experience different? Assuming successful proof of concept, Brave represents an opportunity to reset the ad experience, or certainly significant portions of it.… Read more "How is the BAT ad experience different?"
Speculation: what’s Brave Software’s big picture play? Brave are trying to prove that they can cut out the current middlemen in the ad model, and not only… Read more "Speculation: what’s Brave Software’s big picture play?"
Why would anyone voluntarily choose to watch Brave (BAT) ads? The BAT platform is entirely opt-in, so users can browse with Brave as they currently do without having to enable… Read more "Why would anyone voluntarily choose to watch Brave (BAT) ads?"
What’s the difference between Brave and an ad blocker? The key difference is that ad blockers such as Eyeo (Adblock Plus) often demand that publishers pay them to have… Read more "What’s the difference between Brave and an ad blocker?"
The Brave Browser: why not just use an ad blocker? Why not just use and ad blocker?Brave is a free and open-source web browser developed spearheaded by Brendan Eich (father of Javascript &… Read more "The Brave Browser: why not just use an ad blocker?"
What’s the longer term plan for the Basic Attention Token? Brave is the first point in what the team aims to deliver with the BAT platform, but Brave fully intend… Read more "What’s the longer term plan for the Basic Attention Token?"
How is the Brave Browser ad catalog created? The ad catalog is compiled server-side at Brave, based on advertiser inputs from the self-service ad server. Advertisers set up… Read more "How is the Brave Browser ad catalog created?"
Will the Brave Browser replace third party ads? Brave aren't going to be doing outright in-page ad replacement (i.e. suppressing, say, a Display ad and inserting one of… Read more "Will the Brave Browser replace third party ads?"