What will BAT reporting look like for advertisers?

  • Advertisers will have a dashboard with performance data, updated daily. Brave are trying to match the reporting cycles you’d expect from big platforms such as DoubleClick (hourly updates), but it may well take time to reduce the reporting windows & lag, given the entirely new dynamics at hand and the potential for fraud.
  • Advertisers should get the same types of reporting they are used to, minus any clues that would help you identify individual users.
  • Brave are using zero knowledge proof protocols for measurement events/analytics, to preserve privacy and anonymity for the users.
  • In essence, Brave are taking the target off the back of the user, and instead, are focusing on the events (conversions) that take place.
  • This is a tall order, and Brave have have a lot to prove. They are, however, already running ad trials to test a range of use cases with advertisers, buy-side ad partners and publishers.
  • Brave aim to use those trials as opportunities to refine the prototype, and bring test data front and center for potential advertisers to review.